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About us

Given by the villages, our country India is proud of being an agricultural country and our farmers are the backbone of this country by providing food to the people of this country depending on agriculture. But this same farmer has been continuously facing many hardships since then till today. Due to this, even though the governments are implementing schemes through the concerned departments to protect the interest of the farmers, they have to constantly face several problems in the market system.

Deficiencies in supply of basic agricultural facilities and value addition of agricultural production in the market system Lack of market information, poor sowing of seeds, high cost of fertilisers, menace of additional middlemen who do not get the right price for the farmer's crop, commission duty levy, high transport costs, fraud in weighing, sale and transportation and unnecessary storage. It is a dark system for the farmers who are facing many problems like the provisions of the law, atrocities on the farmers.

Realizing all these problems, the Central and State Governments through several progressive implementing agencies have organized the unorganized farmers as 'Raitare Pahitari to Pahitarigoskara' to safeguard the interests of the farmers by establishing 'Raita Producer Companies' which are registered under the Companies Act, 2013 Part 18, allowing everyone who depends on agriculture for livelihood to become a member of this company.

In this regard, the present NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) Regional Office, Bangalore, with the financial support of Kolar district and surrounding districts to organize the sandalwood growing farmers, Hasirunadu Sandalwood Farmers Producers Company has been launched in Kolar on 11th April 2022.

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A new scheme named carbon credits is now opened to apply for the farmers who are cultivating horticulture, Agroforestry, sericulture and other trees which plantae will help in depositing all the carbon oxides present in the environment into the soil in the form of carbon and helping in reduction of air pollution in a huge range will get some economic help from. Industrialists. which are taxes paying for polluting air and environment by releasing harmful gases into nature , all you need to do to avail this scheme benefit is you must have paid all your agriculture land taxes , should cultivate or have been cultivated above mentioned plantae like horticulture and forest trees .... etc. with filled application form of this scheme with attestation after the successful agreement farmer, aurigraph and AKSMVKBS will get 50% ,48% and 2% income generated by your crop respectively . Note : no fee will be collected by any partners in this process from farmers exept application and registration charges by HASIRUNADU SANDALWOOD FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY . The agreement will valid up to 40 years from the date of registration and money will be deposited directly to the farmers account from 3rd year of agreement from the date of registration For more information contact CEO of HASIRUNADU SANDALWOOD FPCL -Kolar Mob:6366115702 Gmail: Designation: Chief executive officer - Hasirunadsandalwood FPCL


GST Certificate

Aims and objectives of the company

  • Organize sandalwood farmers and provide supplementary information and facilities to the agricultural sector
  • Construction of sandalwood collection and storage units.
  • Collect sandalwood products grown by farmers and sell them at better prices.
  • Providing farmers with good quality sowing seeds, pesticides and agricultural implements at discounted rates.
  • Increase in production at low cost especially through experts and experts in sandalwood cultivation.
  • Sandalwood Gudi in rural areas- Encourage small business of industries, women's self-help societies and coordinate government facilities to increase the value of sandalwood and create a decent market.
  • Convene the shareholders for annual meeting and issue fixed dividend to the shareholders based on the share capital of the company.

  • Membership Fees


    • Each share value: Rs. 100
    • Entry Fees Rs. 100
    • Minimum shares to be purchased :20
    • Total amount to be paid: Rs. 2100


    Payment can be made through Bank, UPI, NEFT, or any preferred mode.
    A paid receipt is mandatory.

    Bank Details

    Account Number:
    IFSC Code:
    Canara Bank

    Admission Application

    have read/heard your company's bylaws. I am bound to conduct myself in accordance with the by-laws of the Company in force and hereafter enforced. Register as a member of .......... do shares your company. I wish to

    Date of Birth

    Details of Movable and Immovable Assets of the Applicant Survey*

    Crop Details Area (in Acres)

    Name, age and relationship of members in applicant's household

    Member Name Age Education Relationship
    Upload Aadhar Card *
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    Upload Bank Passbook *
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    Upload the Payment Slip *
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